Last weekend I saw an owl on display and decided to make him the subject of my next drawing. After doing some research I was amazed to find out that owls are one of the few species that eat skunks. Whole skunks! Wow!!!! that is quite an appetite. ©2014BarbaraGurryrowell
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Kind Old Raven
When I visited this Raven at the Grand Canyon I did not know how he differed from his friend the Crow. After watching and researching I found there wasn’t much difference. Because drawing was my priority, what I choose to retain was the Raven has a larger beak and the sound that she makes is a Kraaa rather than a caw.
Lucy the Flamingo
©Barbara Gurry Rowell
Yesterday, I was able to finish my Flamingo. The source of my portrait comes from my observation of Lucy, who has lived at Sunken Gardens near my home since 1956. She is a treasure to the garden, where currently a fundraiser is going on to purchase more Flamingos once she reaches her 50 year, or so, life expectancy.
Pigeon or Dove
I recently read it is the 100 year anniversary of the extinction of the messenger pigeon, the last being Martha who died in 1914. I am usually annoyed by the pigeons or doves that hang out in groups. It is hard to tell who is who. They leave white gobs on my side-walk and coooooooooo, which wears on my patience. However, finding more out about Martha led me to re-evaluate my opinion. Today I stopped to look closer and listen differently to her distant relatives.